Corporate Social Responsibility

Prioritizes ethical, environmental, and social considerations.

Contributing To Society

We contribute to the societies we operate in.

As a team, we hold Africa close to our hearts, and so our business model was established to help us be accountable to ourselves, our stakeholders and the public.

First and foremost all developments are paired with a humanitarian and social project. Afro Properti would dedicate a proportion of the profits & revenues earned to develop local communities. We aim to provide resources to facilitate a greater standard of living via:

Healthcare aid is one area where we commit to CSR, we do this by supporting initiatives that improve access to healthcare services, advance medical research, or promote health.

Some of the practical ways in which we help include:

  1. Donating to healthcare organizations: We donate funds to non-profit organizations working in the healthcare sector to support their initiatives. These organizations may be working to provide medical care to underserved communities, researching new disease treatments, or promoting healthy behaviours.
  2. Supporting local healthcare infrastructure: We partner with local healthcare facilities to support the development of healthcare infrastructure in underserved areas. This can include building new hospitals, clinics, or other healthcare facilities.
  3. Promoting healthy lifestyles: We promote healthy lifestyles among employees and customers by offering fitness programs, healthy food options, and incentives for engaging in physical activity.

Education aid is another focus of ours, we support initiatives that improve access to education, promote literacy, or enhance educational opportunities.

Below are some ways in which we can engage in education aid as part of our CSR include:

  1. Donating to education-focused non-profit organizations: We donate funds to non-profit organizations working in the education sector to support their initiatives. These organizations may be working to provide education to underprivileged communities, develop innovative educational programs, or promote literacy.
  2. Supporting schools and universities: We partner with schools and universities to support the development of educational infrastructure and enhance the quality of education. This can include funding school equipment, scholarships, and teacher training programs.
  3. Offering educational programs and resources: Where available we provide educational programs and resources to employees, their families, and the wider community. This can include training programs, internships, and mentoring opportunities.
  4. Promoting STEM education: We support initiatives that promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education among young people. This can include sponsoring STEM events, providing resources for STEM education, and supporting STEM-related educational programs.

Accommodation aid is the last area we specifically focus on via our CSR programme, we support initiatives that improve access to affordable and safe housing, especially for vulnerable communities. As housing is our bread and butter, it is befitting that we carry out charity work in this sector.

Some ways in which we engage in accommodation aid as part of our CSR include:

  1. Donating to housing-focused non-profit organizations: Donating funds to non-profit organizations working in the housing sector to support their initiatives. These organizations may be working to provide affordable housing to low-income families, support homeless individuals, or improve the quality of housing in informal settlements.
  2. Providing emergency housing assistance: Supporting temporary housing assistance to individuals and families affected by disasters or emergencies. This can include providing shelter, food, and other necessities.
  3. Supporting community-led housing initiatives: Supporting community-led housing initiatives that empower communities to take charge of their housing needs. This can include providing funding or technical assistance to community-based organizations that are working to improve housing conditions in their neighbourhoods.

Land is valuable, they don’t make any more of it.  We always pay a fair price for all our land acquisitions for development, and once we develop the sites and earn we still commit the sellers, often community leaders and chiefs and continue to contribute to their communities and future, they join the Afro Properti family.